Newton's Apples Vol 2

Technopolis City of Athens

Newton's Apples Vol 2 at the Athens Science Festival

Technopolis City of Athens
19-21 April 2024


Do you like apples?
Do you have a smartphone with a camera and internet connection?
Find the hidden apples inside Technopolis, scan, win!
Pay attention to the Law of Gravity!


Newton's Apples Vol 2 relaunches for the Athens Science Festival returning this April, celebrating its 10th anniversary with captivating «Tales of Change»! The participatory game - performance Newton's Apples is a mixed reality event that interactively combines Site Specific Performance and Play.

The visitors of the Athens Science Festival 2024 will have the opportunity to locate digital apples «hidden» inside Technopolis, scan them and earn points which can then be exchanged for real apples at the performer's-greengrocer's stall.

In reality, in a digestible and extremely simple and «pop» way, Newton's Apples poses the dilemma of physical versus digital and ends up with their harmonious coexistence. The physical remains the essence of human life and action, and the digital is the technological medium that enhances human life by contributing to inquiry, research, development, and entertainment.

Newton's Apples is an all-day event aimed at ages 10+ (or accompanied by an adult if younger) due to the use of smartphones. Participation instructions will be available at the "greengrocer's" stall near the entrance of the Athens Science Festival, and the game is realized with the kind sponsorship of the Agricultural Cooperative of Zagora (ZAGORIN apples).


See you there!