Christina Mermigka

Press Officer

Text Editor

Christina Mermigka has extensive experience in translating, editing and subtitling (Audiovisual Enterprises, MOTO, Deluxe etc.) and as a communications manager (Summer Classics Private Company etc.). She has also been involved in the design and implementation of educational programs for children and travel activities for adults ("Meet the trees & the forest" - Greek Scouts 2012, "A faire en Grèce" -TRINOME Inc., Canada, 2013). She is also involved in photography, creates One Minute Films and participates in Open Literature publications. Her studies include, among others, a Diploma in Directing (Higher School of Film & Television L. Stavrakos, 1997), English Teaching License (Ministry of National Education, 1997), National Forest Guide Diploma (National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications, 2001), Kick-Boxing Trainer Diploma (General Secretariat of Sports, 2015) and is currently completing her studies at the Department of Spanish Literature of the University of Athens.